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Who we are

The Institut Malien de Recherche-Action pour la Paix (IMRAP) was created on October 31, 2013 as an association following the multifaceted crises (particularly security and institutional) that Mali experienced in 2012. IMRAP's main objective is to contribute to the renewal of a desire to live together harmoniously and to the entrenchment of dialogue as a mechanism for addressing challenges and seizing opportunities for peacebuilding, reconciliation and social cohesion. Thus, from November 2013 to December 2014, in partnership with Interpeace, and with funding from the European Union and the Embassy of Denmark, IMRAP traveled throughout Mali and the refugee camps for a study on the obstacles and opportunities for peace. This exercise, which constituted the first phase of the "An Agenda for Peace" program, led to a report entitled: "Mali's Self-Portrait on the Obstacles to Peace". Read more. .

Our approach

It is based on the conviction that Malians have a thorough knowledge of their context and are therefore able to find appropriate solutions for a lasting peace.
Systemic analysis wants to go beyond the simplistic logic of cause and effect and linearity as suggested by certain types of analysis, such as the problem tree for example. It makes more explicit
To define the role of each in the construction of a peaceful Mali. In short, to enable Malians to become true actors of change for the renewal of a desire to live.
The role of IMRAP is to offer a space for exchange and self-analysis to populations to enable them to identify the major challenges to peace, with the desired initial result being a self-portrait.

Our news

Learn more about IMRAP

 6 november , 2020

[kc-creative-links name= »Vœux du directeur  » effect= »cl-effect-1″ _id= »196544″ css_custom= »{`kc-css`:{`any`:{`button`:{`font-size|.cl-text`:`20px`},`button-hover`:{`color|.cl-effect-1 .cl-text:hover,.cl-effect-2 a:hover span::before,.cl-effect-3 a:hover,.cl-effect-4 a:hover,.cl-effect-5 a:hover,.cl-effect-6 a:hover,.cl-effect-7 a:hover,.cl-effect-8 a:hover,.cl-effect-10 a::before,.cl-effect-11 a:hover::before,.cl-effect-13 a:hover,.cl-effect-14 a:hover,.cl-effect-15 a,.cl-effect-16 a::before,.cl-effect-17 a:hover,.cl-effect-17 a:hover,.cl-effect-18 a:hover,.cl-effect-19 a:hover,.cl-effect-20 a span::before,.cl-effect-21 a:hover`:`#ffffff`}}}} » link= »http://www.hrmali-cpbv.org//mot-du-directeur/|| »]

 6 november , 2020

[kc-creative-links name= »Consolidation de la paix : les femmes dénoncent leur « faible implication » » effect= »cl-effect-1″ _id= »222942″ link= »http://www.hrmali-cpbv.org//consolidation-de-la-paix-les-femmes-denoncent-leur-faible-implication/|| »]

11 févrie , 2020

[kc-creative-links name= »Résolution des conflits : la « femme est au centre du processus », selon Gao Alkaïdou  » effect= »cl-effect-1″ _id= »529002″]

 11 September , 2020

[kc-creative-links name= »Coronavirus Could Push More People to Move out of Necessity as Hunger  » effect= »cl-effect-1″ _id= »95590″]

 11 September , 2020

[kc-creative-links name= »Coronavirus Could Push More People to Move out of Necessity as Hunger  » effect= »cl-effect-1″ _id= »886047″]

Annual Report

Annual Report

To find out more about our activities

Our videos

[kc-creative-links name= »See all videos  » effect= »cl-effect-3″ _id= »995408″ link= »https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9YJzNeuNMEaL0sXnKssOPQ/?guided_help_flow=5&disable_polymer=true||_blank »]

Social networks

Adress :
Balabougou Est - Bamako, Mali

E-mail :

Phone :
+223 20 22 18 48


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